Thank you for volunteering as a campaign ambassador at your workplace.
We will post the resources for the 2024 campaign here as soon as they become available.
Desmond Tutu once said, "Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness." With your help last year, we were able to create hope in our community, and with your help, we can do it once again! Our community continues to face challenges, and we need to be that light in the darkness so we can all succeed and thrive. Today, we invite you to Raise Your Hand with United Way of Southwest Minnesota and help us create HOPE in our community.
As a campaign ambassador, you are crucial in connecting UWSWMN with your colleagues. This page offers a range of tools and resources to assist you in organizing a successful campaign and maintaining year-round communication.
Every year, UWSWMN partners with companies and their employees to support various programs in our community that help those in need and promote the common good. Below are downloadable materials for this year’s campaign.
If you require any additional items not listed here, please contact us at unitedway@unitedwayswmn.org. We are committed to helping you obtain everything necessary to make your employee campaign successful!
- Campaign one-sheet document - Contact us for hard copies if you'd like!
- Campaign Basics - Step by Step
- Campaign Checklist
- Strategies for Success
- A Year in the Life of YOUR Donation
- Circle of Impact
- Donor Recognition Levels
- Employee Pledge Form
- Employee Pledge Form - fillable PDF
- Goal Poster
- Goal Poster
- Jeopardy Game
- Kahoot Game
- Rollover Campaign
- Tips for a Virtual Campaign
- United Way 101
- UWSWMN Service Area
- Workplace Report Form
- Workplace Report Form - fillable PDF