Kindness Investment Program (KIP)

UWSWMN Kindness Investment Program (KIP) Application

United Way of Southwest Minnesota (hereafter UWSWMN) now offers KIP Grants for up to $1000 to local groups for small-scale, community-level projects.

KIP Grant applications are accepted year-round while funds are available.  Local organizations may apply for funding, and nonprofit groups and organizations are welcome to apply.

KIP Grant Funding Criteria/Eligibility Requirements:

Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, a public school, a unit of government, OR have a fiscal sponsorship agreement with an organization that operates as a 501(c)(3) organization, a public school, or a unit of government. 

  • Alignment with at least one of the UWSWMN priority areas:

    • Youth Opportunities

    • Healthy Communities

    • Financial Security

    • Community Resiliency

  • The project must take place within the UWSWMN Service Area.

  • A Final report on the use of funds is required.  See the link below for the final report.

  • UWSWMN must be promoted through press/social media or be allowed to promote the project.

  • Submit event photos with the Final report.

  • Funding will generally not be awarded for:

    • Marketing efforts

    • Event or fundraising promotions

    • Capital campaigns or expenditures (i.e., land, building, real estate, vehicles, building upkeep, repair, or equipment)

    • Funding for organizations that intend to distribute funds at their discretion

    • Debt reduction or program shortfall from earlier years

    • Endowment funding

    • Political campaigns or lobbying efforts

    • Activities that support a specific religious purpose

    • Professional development or training

    • Programs that operate in a discriminatory manner

    • Program work outside the UWSWMN service area

    • Programs not demonstrating a strong local need

    • Direct individual support

    • Volunteer recruitment and recognition

    • Staff positions at schools.


Once your application has been submitted for review, UWSWMN will contact you by email with updates or requests for additional information that might be needed.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with UWSWMN at 507-929-2273 or

Status message

UWSWMN's KIP grants are currently closed until more funding becomes available. Please check back later for updates on their availability. We appreciate your understanding and patience.