Raise Your Hand!
At UWSWMN, we are more than just fundraisers. We're Hand Raisers! We connect volunteers with opportunities to serve and build capacity to meet local needs in Southwest Minnesota. Join us, get involved, and help drive change in our community.
“They say you can live 40 days without food, 7 days without water, a few minutes without breathing, but you can’t live one second without HOPE.” Today, we invite you to Raise Your Hand with the United Way of Southwest Minnesota and create hope in our community.
Supporting your community can be as easy as a $5 donation, giving your time, or inviting people to volunteer to maximize impact.
Can a $5 donation make a difference? By working together, a donation of $5 is worth far more than its face value.
- One donation of $5 will purchase 500 pounds of fresh potatoes from Second Harvest Food Bank.
- A $25 donation covers the cost of a whole week of meals for a frail senior recovering from illness or a hospital stay.
- A $50 donation can supply shelter and food for a family for one night.
- With a $100 donation, two students would have personalized tutoring for one month.
Won’t you join us, get involved, and Raise Your Hand to create hope in our community? Please consider making a financial contribution again this year because change doesn’t happen alone.
With your help, there’s hope.
United Way of Southwest Minnesota is committed to our community’s health, education, financial stability, hunger, and safety & well-being. With your support, we can utilize donations to cause a ripple effect that creates change with a much more significant impact for every person in every community we serve every day of the year.
Please have a look at our campaign videos.
CEO Message
Board Members
Community Partners
Check out how donations to last year’s campaign are at work making a local impact:
Community Investments
Community Initiatives
Want to learn who can apply for funding from us and how to apply for funding?