Research has shown that a lack of food can affect children physically, mentally, and emotionally.

These children get sick more often, test lower in math and reading, and can experience anxiety and depression.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 17 million children live in households struggling to put enough food on the table. This includes many families in Marshall. Of Marshall students, 52% are eligible for free or reduced-price meals through the National School Lunch Program.
The National School Lunch Program helps during the week,
but what about when students go home for the weekend? We bridge this gap by sending home a bag of nutritious snacks with students.
About the Marshall Food4Kids program
- The program provides food support to school students by sending home a bag of healthy snacks for the weekend.
- The program started in 2013, serving 98 children, and grew to more than 200 students in less than a year. More than 700 children are currently enrolled, and more are regularly being added as funding allows.
- The food is packed by volunteers and delivered to schools weekly.
- Approximately 19,883 bags were packed and delivered during the 2020-2021 school year.
- We are a 100% volunteer organization.
- Any child in Head Start or any Marshall Public School student who wants extra food assistance for the weekend, with a parent or guardian’s consent, is eligible to participate in the program.
Marshall Food4Kids provides non-perishable, kid friendly foods, such as:
- Granola bars
- Cereal
- Crackers
- Trail Mix
- Juice Boxes
- Raisins
- Apple Sauce
- Mixed Fruit Cups