New Year, New You?
I am not a winter enthusiast; to be precise, my favorite winter sport is going back inside where it is warm and comfortable. Having said that, as I traveled about last week, I was struck by the beauty of the hoarfrost trees. They are the same tree we see all year long but somehow covered in this beautiful flocking; they look magical. Seeing these beautiful trees made me think about New Year’s resolutions. We just finished the hustle and bustle of the holidays with the crazy weather that came with it this year. Just as we recover and dig out, the New Year stares us in the face begging us to make significant life-changing resolutions. So many of us take up the challenge and make a “resolution” of big changes in behavior or lifestyle, only to find in a few weeks or months that we haven’t kept them. Why do we put so much stress on ourselves? We should be more like those flocked trees. They are the same tree we see every day of the year… just better! So, this year I am skipping the New Year/New Me and being the like the flocked trees, the same me, only better! #bettermein2023. I will focus on self-care, kindness, decluttering my life, and being more involved with others and our community, even if in small ways. Like the hoarfrost covered trees, the larger the grove, the more magnificent the effect of the hoarfrost. The small branches, like the small things we can do, add to the beauty. Volunteering and giving back to our community are great ways to get involved and will create a ripple effect that helps many people. I encourage everyone to strive to be their best this coming year. At the United Way of Southwest Minnesota, we work with many community partners that can use volunteers to support their efforts. Let’s all take a little time and be open to helping them out. It could be a day, a week, help to deliver meals with Prairie Five Meals or Lutheran Social Service Meals on Wheels. Helping at United Community Partnerships Kitchen Table Food Shelves or Volunteer Tax Income Assistance Program. Right now, Junior Achievement in Lyon County is looking for volunteers to help teach, prepare, and inspire young people to succeed in a global economy. There are so many opportunities to volunteer and make our community better.
No matter your resolution for the new year, I encourage you to join us and get involved.
Meg Louwagie
United Way of Southwest Minnesota